Monday, August 31, 2009

We Have A Van!!!

Thanks to some dear friends from the past that we recently reconnected with...we have a great van. Scott and Angie Pease are such a blessing in so many ways. On this day it was in helping us buy a van for baby Boerner # 3. Scott owns a dealership in Michigan and one of his passions is helping people find cars that fit their needs. When we contacted them Angie told me it was like ordering a pizza, " you tell us what you want and we get it for you." I have to say that is exactly how it went. We said what we needed, wanted and how much we could afford and we got exactly that. It was great and STRESS FREE!!! What a blessing. We met the Peases half way in between KC and their home in MI. We even got time to reconnect with the them and have a little over night trip as a family. It has been great to reconnect with old friends, to have the car that will fit our growing family and to spend some time away loving on and just enjoying our girls.

Fun at the Hotel

A day trip to the local zoo!

Some fun at the park before we got into our new van and drove home! It was a great little getaway. Praise the Lord for the van He has provided for us! What a gift.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Family Day at the Petting Zoo!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

End Of The Summer Picture Recap

When did my little girl become a big girl? Wow!

Enjoying outside blanket time

Having fun at the Park

My little beauties

Ruth trying out her new car seat

Fun at Levi's house

New ride for the girls