~~ Grace Michelle Boerner ~~
Grace arrived on September 16th at 8:55AM via a planned C-section. Everything went great, Praise the Lord! Grace weighed 7lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long. She has a lot of dark hair and dark eyes. She is named Grace Michelle, which means blessing or favor that resembles God. We named her Michelle, after my mother and sister, both of which are amazing women of God. Grace was just a name that we could not seem to get away from, we just kept coming back to it. Russ felt the Lord wanted to name her after His kindness and what better then Grace to convey God's kindness. It is only by His grace that we are saved!
Grace's first shot with mom and dad and our OB/GYN Dr. Doan. We love Dr. Doan she is an amazing doctor and such a blessing!
Esther and Ruth love their new sister. Esther loves to hold her and help change her diapers. She wants to do as much as she can to help and be near Grace. Ruth is a little less curious, however every once and a while she will look at Grace and ask "what's that?" Which is rather cute.
Aunt Jamie and Cousin Levi
The beautiful Tirzah
Grandma and Grandpa C
Baby Grace arrives home to 2 excited sisters!
A little family fun and photos from the last two weeks. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition! We are praying for joy and a smooth transition for both me and the girls (especially as dad goes back to work tomorrow). Russ is such an amazing dad, husband and friend. His help over these past two weeks has been such a gift and a blessing! Thank you honey you amaze me!
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